Learning to Disentangle Latent Physical Factors for Video PredictionOpen Website

2019 (modified: 09 Jun 2022)GCPR 2019Readers: Everyone
Abstract: Physical scene understanding is a fundamental human ability. Empowering artificial systems with such understanding is an important step towards flexible and adaptive behavior in the real world. As a step in this direction, we propose a novel approach to physical scene understanding in video. We train a deep neural network for video prediction which embeds the video sequence in a low-dimensional recurrent latent space representation. We optimize the total correlation of the latent dimensions within a variational recurrent auto-encoder framework. This encourages the representation to disentangle the latent physical factors of variation in the training data. To train and evaluate our approach, we use synthetic video sequences in three different physical scenarios with various degrees of difficulty. Our experiments demonstrate that our model can disentangle several appearance-related properties in the unsupervised case. If we add supervision signals for the latent code, our model can further improve the disentanglement of dynamics-related properties.
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