RAUCA: A Novel Physical Adversarial Attack on Vehicle Detectors via Robust and Accurate Camouflage Generation

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Adversarial camouflage is a widely used physical attack against vehicle detectors for its superiority in multi-view attack performance. One promising approach involves using differentiable neural renderers to facilitate adversarial camouflage optimization through gradient back-propagation. However, existing methods often struggle to capture environmental characteristics during the rendering process or produce adversarial textures that can precisely map to the target vehicle, resulting in suboptimal attack performance. Moreover, these approaches neglect diverse weather conditions, reducing the efficacy of generated camouflage across varying weather scenarios. To tackle these challenges, we propose a robust and accurate camouflage generation method, namely RAUCA. The core of RAUCA is a novel neural rendering component, Neural Renderer Plus (NRP), which can accurately project vehicle textures and render images with environmental characteristics such as lighting and weather. In addition, we integrate a multi-weather dataset for camouflage generation, leveraging the NRP to enhance the attack robustness. Experimental results on six popular object detectors show that RAUCA consistently outperforms existing methods in both simulation and real-world settings.
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Submission Number: 5351