Variational Pseudo Marginal Methods for Jet Reconstruction in Particle Physics

Published: 12 Dec 2024, Last Modified: 12 Dec 2024Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Reconstructing jets, which provide vital insights into the properties and histories of subatomic particles produced in high-energy collisions, is a main problem in data analyses of collider physics. This intricate task deals with estimating the latent structure of a jet (binary tree) and involves parameters such as particle energy, momentum, and types. While Bayesian methods offer a natural approach for handling uncertainty and leveraging prior knowledge, they face significant challenges due to the super-exponential growth of potential jet topologies as the number of observed particles increases. To address this, we introduce a Combinatorial Sequential Monte Carlo approach for inferring jet latent structures. As a second contribution, we leverage the resulting estimator to develop a variational inference algorithm for parameter learning. Building on this, we introduce a variational family using a pseudo-marginal framework for a fully Bayesian treatment of all variables, unifying the generative model with the inference process. We illustrate our method's effectiveness through experiments using data generated with a collider physics generative model, highlighting superior speed and accuracy across a range of tasks.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url:
Changes Since Last Submission: Desk rejected due to format, e.g. font of sections. We have revised and are resubmitting.
Supplementary Material: zip
Assigned Action Editor: ~Alexander_A_Alemi1
Submission Number: 2926