Distribution-Free Data Uncertainty for Neural Network Regression

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 02 Mar 2025ICLR 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: deep learning, uncertainty quantification, regression uncertainty, aleatoric uncertainty, scoring rules, continuous ranked probability score
TL;DR: We propose a distribution-free neural network regression approach that learns aleatoric uncertainty through sample-based CRPS optimization.
Abstract: Quantifying uncertainty is an essential part of predictive modeling, especially in the context of high-stakes decision-making. While classification output includes data uncertainty by design in the form of class probabilities, the regression task generally aims only to predict the expected value of the target variable. Probabilistic extensions often assume parametric distributions around the expected value, optimizing the likelihood over the resulting explicit densities. However, using parametric distributions can limit practical applicability, making it difficult for models to capture skewed, multi-modal, or otherwise complex distributions. In this paper, we propose optimizing a novel nondeterministic neural network regression architecture for loss functions derived from a sample-based approximation of the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), enabling a truly distribution-free approach by learning to sample from the target's aleatoric distribution, rather than predicting explicit densities. Our approach allows the model to learn well-calibrated, arbitrary uni- and multivariate output distributions. We evaluate the method on a variety of synthetic and real-world tasks, including uni- and multivariate problems, function inverse approximation, and standard regression uncertainty benchmarks. Finally, we make all experiment code publicly available.
Primary Area: probabilistic methods (Bayesian methods, variational inference, sampling, UQ, etc.)
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Submission Number: 13804