Abstract: Most variance reduction methods require multiple times of full gradient computation, which is time-consuming and hence a bottleneck in application to distributed optimization. We present a single-loop variance-reduced gradient estimator named SILVER (SIngle-Loop VariancE-Reduction) for the finite-sum non-convex optimization, which does not require multiple full gradients but nevertheless achieves the optimal gradient complexity. Notably, unlike existing methods, SILVER provably reaches second-order optimality, with exponential convergence in the Polyak-Łojasiewicz (PL) region, and achieves further speedup depending on the data heterogeneity. Owing to these advantages, SILVER serves as a new base method to design communication-efficient federated learning algorithms: we combine SILVER with local updates which gives the best communication rounds and number of communicated gradients across all range of Hessian heterogeneity, and, at the same time, guarantees second-order optimality and exponential convergence in the PL region.
Submission Number: 9875