Towards General Computer Control: A Multimodal Agent for Red Dead Redemption II as a Case Study

Published: 11 Mar 2024, Last Modified: 22 Apr 2024LLMAgents @ ICLR 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Foundation Agent, Large Multimodal Model, General Computer Control, RDR2
TL;DR: Propose a new setting, General Computer Control and build a LMM-based agent to play RDR2 with keyboard and mouse.
Abstract: Despite the success in specific tasks and scenarios, existing foundation agents, empowered by large models (LMs) and advanced tools, still cannot generalize to different scenarios, mainly due to dramatic differences in the observations and actions across scenarios. In this work, we propose the General Computer Control (GCC) setting: building foundation agents that can master any computer task by taking only screen images (and possibly audio) of the computer as input, and producing keyboard and mouse operations as output, similar to human-computer interaction. The main challenges of achieving GCC are: 1) the multimodal observations for decision-making, 2) the requirements of accurate control of keyboard and mouse, 3) the need for long-term memory and reasoning, and 4) the abilities of efficient exploration and self-improvement. To target GCC, we introduce Cradle, an agent framework with six main modules, including: 1) information gathering to extract multi-modality information, 2) self-reflection to rethink past experiences, 3) task inference to choose the best next task, 4) skill curation for generating and updating relevant skills for given tasks, 5) action planning to generate specific operations for keyboard and mouse control, and 6) memory for storage and retrieval of past experiences and known skills. To demonstrate the capabilities of generalization and self-improvement of Cradle, we deploy it in the complex AAA game Red Dead Redemption II, serving as a preliminary attempt towards GCC with a challenging target. To our best knowledge, our work is the first to enable LMM-based agents to follow the main storyline and finish real missions in AAA games, with minimal reliance on prior knowledge or resources.
Submission Number: 108