
02 Oct 2023 (modified: 26 Jan 2024)PKU 2023 Fall CoRe SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Contrastive Learning; Intuitive Physics Engine; Physics commen sense
Abstract: As a field that has been widely studied in recent years, intuitive physics is indispensable for General Artificial Intelligence. There are already many methods and models, such as heuristics, probabilistic simulation, and learning-based models like PhysNet. However, modeling intuitive physics in complex situations remains very difficult for current AI systems. In this essay, we begin by analyzing some magic shows and discussing which commonsense principles they violate. We then propose a method to learn intuitive physics and common sense based on a unique AI that can be surprised when its expectations based on common sense are violated in a magic trick. Finally, we explore future research directions toward more general AI systems that understand human intuitive physics.
Submission Number: 47