Reviving Life on the Edge: Joint Score-Based Graph Generation of Rich Edge Attributes

Published: 12 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 12 Jan 2025Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Graph generation is integral to various engineering and scientific disciplines. Nevertheless, existing methodologies tend to overlook the generation of edge attributes. However, we identify critical applications where edge attributes are essential, making prior methods potentially unsuitable in such contexts. Moreover, while trivial adaptations are available, empirical investigations reveal their limited efficacy as they do not properly model the interplay among graph components. To address this, we propose a joint score-based model of nodes and edges for graph generation that considers all graph components. Our approach offers three key novelties: (1) node and edge attributes are combined in an attention module that generates samples based on the two ingredients, (2) node, edge and adjacency information are mutually dependent during the graph diffusion process, and (3) the framework enables the generation of graphs with rich attributes along the edges, providing a more expressive formulation for generative tasks than existing works. We evaluate our method on challenging benchmarks involving real-world and synthetic datasets in which edge features are crucial. Additionally, we introduce a new synthetic dataset that incorporates edge values. Furthermore, we propose a novel application that greatly benefits from the method due to its nature: the generation of traffic scenes represented as graphs. Our method outperforms other graph generation methods, demonstrating a significant advantage in edge-related measures.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Giannis_Nikolentzos1
Submission Number: 3273