Aligning AI with Security and Democracy Perceptions to Improve QoE and QoLDownload PDF


12 Oct 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)Submitted to PERLS2021Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, democracy, security, QoE, QoL
TL;DR: To fully adopt AI with all its improvements, users should have good perceptions of AI security and AI democratization. Only then can the full deployment of AI improve the user's quality of experience and quality of life.
Abstract: Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) along with the deployments of more data-driven pervasive technologies are currently offering incredible possibilities and solving problems in innovative ways. The pace of AI's development is so fast that it is hard to follow in details all the ethical and social implications. Therefore, it is legitimate to assess the effect of AI-based technologies on day to day quality of life. This paper analyzes the effect of the user's Quality of Experience (QoE) when using these new AI-based services on the Quality of Life (QoL). In particular, this paper focuses on two aspects: security and democratization. The security threats of any new technology defines the QoE especially nowadays after revealing warning signs regarding privacy threats and lack of public trust. Furthermore, democratization perception in terms of technology used is also a crucial feature that governs steering AI development towards ethically serving the interests of the society; and therefore improving the QoE and QoL. Hence, we propose a framework to provide comprehensive analysis of the current status in the existing literature while focusing on the anticipated tools for democratization. In addition, we highlight some research gaps and suggest future opportunities to be addressed.
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