Keywords: AI, Energy, National Power
Abstract: In the next generation, it can be considered that the performance of each nation's AI will define the international balance of power, since each nation's national power will be served by maximizing the performance of the AI. At the same time, solutions to climate change and population problems will be sought by maximizing the performance of AI, but the optimization of energy supply and scientific and technological capabilities must also be fulfilled. Thus, humanity will leave a significant portion of its fate to AI, but as long as humanity does not cede control of energy supply to AI, humanity will have an advantage over AI and a path of coexistence will be possible. The interests of both parties are aligned: humanity needs advanced super-intelligent AI to deal with crises such as climate change, and super-intelligent AI will need a supply of energy from humans to operate.
However, as humanity itself places AI at its core and further enhances each other's national power, international tensions will increase at the same time, and a situation where humanity as a whole cannot cooperate together may give a super-intelligent AI an opportunity to plunge humanity into the danger of extinction. Whether or not this is a pessimistic future is a category for future generations to decide, but only we today can create the pathway to that future.
Submission Number: 10