Differentially Private Multi-Sampling from Distributions
Abstract: Many algorithms have been developed to estimate probability distributions subject to differential privacy
(DP): such an algorithm takes as input independent samples from a distribution and estimates the density
function in a way that is insensitive to any one sample. A recent line of work, initiated by Raskhodnikova
et al. (Neurips ’21), explores a weaker objective: a differentially private algorithm that approximates
a single sample from the distribution. Raskhodnikova et al. studied the sample complexity of DP
single-sampling i.e., the minimum number of samples needed to perform this task. They showed that the
sample complexity of DP single-sampling is less than the sample complexity of DP learning for certain
distribution classes. We define two variants of multi-sampling, where the goal is to privately approximate
$m > 1$ samples. This better models the realistic scenario where synthetic data is needed for exploratory
data analysis.
A baseline solution to multi-sampling is to invoke a single-sampling algorithm $m$ times on independently drawn datasets of samples. When the data comes from a finite domain, we improve over the baseline by a factor of $m$ in the sample complexity. When the data comes from a Gaussian, Ghazi et al. (Neurips ’23) show that single-sampling can be performed under approximate differential privacy; we
show it is possible to single- and multi-sample Gaussians with known covariance subject to pure DP. Our
solution uses a variant of the Laplace mechanism that is of independent interest.
We also give sample complexity lower bounds, one for strong multi-sampling of finite distributions
and another for weak multi-sampling of bounded-covariance Gaussians.
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Submission Number: 141