How can we generalise learning distributed representations of graphs?Download PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: graphs, distributed representations, similarity learning
TL;DR: We propose a general framework for building models that can learn distributed representations of discrete structures and test this on graphs.
Abstract: We propose a general framework to construct unsupervised models capable of learning distributed representations of discrete structures such as graphs based on R-Convolution kernels and distributed semantics research. Our framework combines the insights and observations of Deep Graph Kernels and Graph2Vec towards a unified methodology for performing similarity learning on graphs of arbitrary size. This is exemplified by our own instance G2DR which extends Graph2Vec from labelled graphs towards unlabelled graphs and tackles issues of diagonal dominance through pruning of the subgraph vocabulary composing graphs. These changes produce new state of the art results in the downstream application of G2DR embeddings in graph classification tasks over datasets with small labelled graphs in binary classification to multi-class classification on large unlabelled graphs using an off-the-shelf support vector machine.
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