SDGym: Low-Code Reinforcement Learning Environments using System Dynamics Models

TMLR Paper1705 Authors

19 Oct 2023 (modified: 17 Sept 2024)Withdrawn by AuthorsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Understanding the long-term impact of algorithmic interventions on society is vital to achieving responsible AI. Traditional evaluation strategies often fall short due to the complex, adaptive and dynamic nature of society. While reinforcement learning (RL) can be a powerful approach for optimizing decisions in dynamic settings, the difficulty of realistic environment design remains a barrier to building robust agents that perform well in practical settings. To address this issue we tap into the field of system dynamics (SD) as a complementary method that incorporates collaborative simulation model specification practices. We introduce SDGym, a low-code library built on the OpenAI Gym framework which enables the generation of custom RL environments based on SD simulation models. Through a feasibility study we validate that well specified, rich RL environments can be generated from preexisting SD models and a few lines of configuration code. We demonstrate the capabilities of the SDGym environment using an SD model of the electric vehicle adoption problem. We compare two SD simulators, PySD and BPTK-Py for parity, and train a D4PG agent using the Acme framework to showcase learning and environment interaction. Our preliminary findings underscore the dual potential of SD to improve RL environment design and for RL to improve dynamic policy discovery within SD models. By open-sourcing SDGym, the intent is to galvanize further research and promote adoption across the SD and RL communities, thereby catalyzing collaboration in this emerging interdisciplinary space.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Marcello_Restelli1
Submission Number: 1705