Abstract: Extracting structured representations from raw visual data is an important and long-standing challenge in machine learning. Recently, techniques for unsupervised learning of object-centric representations have raised growing interest. In this context, enhancing the robustness of the latent features can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the training of downstream tasks. A promising step in this direction is to disentangle the factors that cause variation in the data. Previously, Invariant Slot Attention disentangled position, scale, and orientation from the remaining features. Extending this approach, we focus on separating the shape and texture components. In particular, we propose a novel architecture that biases object-centric models toward disentangling shape and texture components into two non-overlapping subsets of the latent space dimensions. These subsets are known a priori, hence before the training process. Experiments on a range of object-centric benchmarks reveal that our approach achieves the desired disentanglement while also numerically improving baseline performance in most cases. In addition, we show that our method can generate novel textures for a specific object or transfer textures between objects with distinct shapes.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Code: https://github.com/riccardomajellaro/disentangled-slot-attention
Supplementary Material: zip
Assigned Action Editor: ~Jake_Snell1
Submission Number: 3098