Abstract: Within-class variation in a high-dimensional dataset can be modeled as being on a low-dimensional manifold due to the constraints of the physical processes producing that variation (e.g., translation, illumination, etc.). We desire a method for learning a representation of the manifolds induced by identity-preserving transformations that can be used to increase robustness, reduce the training burden, and encourage interpretability in machine learning tasks. In particular, what is needed is a representation of the transformation manifold that can robustly capture the shape of the manifold from the input data, generate new points on the manifold, and extend transformations outside of the training domain without significantly increasing the error. Previous work has proposed algorithms to efficiently learn analytic operators (called transport operators) that define the process of transporting one data point on a manifold to another. The main contribution of this paper is to define two transfer learning methods that use this generative manifold representation to learn natural transformations and incorporate them into new data. The first method uses this representation in a novel randomized approach to transfer learning that employs the learned generative model to map out unseen regions of the data space. These results are shown through demonstrations of transfer learning in a data augmentation task for few-shot image classification. The second method use of transport operators for injecting specific transformations into new data examples which allows for realistic image animation and informed data augmentation. These results are shown on stylized constructions using the classic swiss roll data structure and in demonstrations of transfer learning in a data augmentation task for few-shot image classification. We also propose the use of transport operators for injecting transformations into new data examples which allows for realistic image animation.
TL;DR: Learning transport operators on manifolds forms a valuable representation for doing tasks like transfer learning.
Keywords: manifold learning, transfer learning
Data: [CK+](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/ck), [USPS](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/usps)
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