What does a University look like?
Keywords: network analysis, Visualisation, Overleaf, Gigantum, Dimensions
TL;DR: Using Dimensions API we have mass produced collaboration diagrams for a large array of institutions and placed them side by side so that viewers can notice differences and similarities
Abstract: Universities come in many different shapes and sizes.
Using the Dimensions API to extract coauthorship networks it is possible to build network diagrams that illustrate the collaborative shape of an institution. By shading researchers by the colour of their most frequently used field of research, and sizing their nodes by the number of career publications, these diagrams can also communicate discipline focus. Placed side by side, these networks highlight similarities and differences.
Using the Dimensions API, we implemented a repeatable script to extract a collaboration network for an array of institutions identified by their GRID id (http://grid.ac). We then processed these networks using the Gephi toolkit. This allowed us to apply a consistent colour scheme to all graphs, with and identical layout properties. The resultant network diagrams were then assembled into a single poster using Overleaf, with github integration from Gigantum.
The code for this project will be available on Gigantum.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3315-1572,https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6151-8423
Submission Type: poster
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