Curated Data Visualization and Reporting from VIVO

Published: 05 Jun 2019, Last Modified: 05 May 2023VIVO 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: visualisation, analytics, Elasticsearch, reporting
TL;DR: How to enable curated reporting from VIVO via Elasticsearch and Kibana
Abstract: VIVO by default offers some data visualizations, which might be limited or lacking user needs in the scope of analytics and reporting. Often institutes using VIVO has to rely on manual information gathering for basic analytics and reporting despite the required information being present in their VIVO instance. The inclusion of Elasticsearch driver, for indexing, in VIVO enables institutions to directly use the data from VIVO for custom applications. The open-source tool Kibana, which is a plugin for Elasticsearch, is a platform for building curated visualizations and dashboards on the data in Elasticsearch indexes. This presentation highlights how custom fields from VIVO could be indexed in Elasticsearch and how interactive dashboards could be created in Kibana for data analytics and reporting purposes. Furthermore, the possibility of including curated dashboards from Kibana into VIVO would also be discussed.
Submission Type: presentation proposal
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