Semantic Cross-Site Search for VIVO
Keywords: search, cross-site search, semantic search
TL;DR: Panelists will discuss approaches and barriers to semantic cross-cite search for VIVO
Abstract: For more than a decade, VIVO sites have been creating semantic data regarding scholarship that could be used to change how scholarly work is found and how expertise is assessed and compared.
Previous work has attempted to centrally collect and normalize semantic data for search purposes. Other effort has used federated search across sites to provide simple access to profiles. Can we now consider how best to create a semantic cross-site search capability?
Panelists will discuss the following questions:
What is semantic search and how might it differ from other search paradigms?
Should the approach be centralized, in which semantic data is brought together to a single provider of search functionality, decentralized in which data remains at rest and search functionality is localized, or should other approaches be considered?
What are the roles for ontology, data and software provisioning in semantic search?
How might technologies such as TPF, GraphQL,, Solid, and others be leveraged?
What is needed to create a semantic cross-site search capability for VIVO?
ORCID: 0000-0002-1304-8447
Submission Type: panel proposal
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