Emergent Orientation Maps —— Mechanisms, Coding Efficiency and Robustness

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025ICLR 2025 SpotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Vision, Energy Efficient Coding, Neural Network, Sensory Coding, Spiking Mechanisms
Abstract: Extensive experimental studies have shown that in lower mammals, neuronal orientation preference in the primary visual cortex is organized in disordered "salt-and-pepper" organizations. In contrast, higher-order mammals display a continuous variation in orientation preference, forming pinwheel-like structures. Despite these observations, the spiking mechanisms underlying the emergence of these distinct topological structures and their functional roles in visual processing remain poorly understood. To address this, we developed a self-evolving spiking neural network model with Hebbian plasticity, trained using physiological parameters characteristic of rodents, cats, and primates, including retinotopy, neuronal morphology, and connectivity patterns. Our results identify critical factors, such as the degree of input visual field overlap, neuronal connection range, and the balance between localized connectivity and long-range competition, that determine the emergence of either salt-and-pepper or pinwheel-like topologies. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pinwheel structures exhibit lower wiring costs and enhanced sparse coding capabilities compared to salt-and-pepper organizations. They also maintain greater coding robustness against noise in naturalistic visual stimuli. These findings suggest that such topological structures confer significant computational advantages in visual processing and highlight their potential application in the design of brain-inspired deep learning networks and algorithms.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: applications to neuroscience & cognitive science
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Submission Number: 10274