Denoising Improves Latent Space Geometry in Text AutoencodersDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Neural language models have recently shown impressive gains in unconditional text generation, but controllable generation and manipulation of text remain challenging. In particular, controlling text via latent space operations in autoencoders has been difficult, in part due to chaotic latent space geometry. We propose to employ adversarial autoencoders together with denoising (referred as DAAE) to drive the latent space to organize itself. Theoretically, we prove that input sentence perturbations in the denoising approach encourage similar sentences to map to similar latent representations. Empirically, we illustrate the trade-off between text-generation and autoencoder-reconstruction capabilities, and our model significantly improves over other autoencoder variants. Even from completely unsupervised training, DAAE can successfully alter the tense/sentiment of sentences via simple latent vector arithmetic.
Keywords: controllable text generation, autoencoders, denoising, latent space geometry
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