Enhancing LGBTQ+ Research Accessibility in Nigeria: An Open Initiative

28 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Capacity building / Construcción de capacidad
Problem Statement: The Nigerian LGBTQ+ community faces significant research gap due to the limited availability of local publications. While some major players have the resources to make their research public, majority of nascent CBOs and activists lack the required support to do so. Much of the research available is conducted outside the country and not tailored to the specific context of Nigeria. Despite their valuable work, these CBOs and activists face financial and technical constraints that prevent them from making their in-house research public. Consequently, their research remain confined to their organization and the funders who funded the in-house research. This is problematic because their research findings could be instrumental in shaping evidence-based initiatives. To address this issue, we will create a collaborative digital resource library, where we will gather conducted research from these nascent CBOs and activists and publish it on an open website that everyone can access. Additionally, we will build the capacity of these CBOs and activists, teaching them how to conduct research effectively and publish their findings in the resource library. To ensure the sustainability of this initiative, we will engage research institutes and encourage them to publish Nigerian LGBTQ+ research on their platforms. With this project, we aim to enrich the body of knowledge available for evidence-based programming and advocacy efforts that benefit the entire LGBTQ+ community in Nigeria.
Proposed Activities: Objective 1: Enhancing Research Capacity of LGBTQ+ CBOs and Activists in Nigeria Activities: 1. Conduct 2-day hybrid Needs Assessment with 3 TRAHI staff, 2 reps each from 6 CBOs in-person, and 2 reps each from 5 CBOs virtually to identify the capacity building requirements of nascent LGBTQ+ CBOs and independent activists. The expertise needed is the experience of the organizational leader to identify the capacity building requirements of nascent CBOs and independent activists. 2. Develop Training Modules with 3 TRAHI staff and 2 reps each from 3 CBOs to address the specific challenges faced by CBOs and activists. This will take 2 days and will require a consultant. 3. Organize 1-day Capacity-Building Workshop for 5 TRAHI staff and 2 reps each from 10 CBOs in research skills and digital publication. A consultant will be needed to facilitate the workshop. Objective 2: Creating a Collaborative Digital Resource Library for LGBTQ+ Research Activities: 4. Establish a Digital resource Platform and develop guidelines and templates for publishing research materials on the platform. This process will involve 5 CBOs with research experience who haven’t published their work yet. New topics will also be identified and carried out by each organization. The buy-in of identified research institutes will be required for the success of this activity. 5. Identify and Engage research institutes such as Sage Journals, Frontiers, etc., to promote the publication of Nigerian LGBTQ+ research. We will require the expertise of TRAHI staffs who will be identifying and engaging with the identified research institutes. 6. Gather research reports from CBOs, activists, and research institutes and upload the collected research materials to the digital platform. The required expertise is provided by TRAHI staff and identified CBOs.. Objective 3: Promoting Open Access and Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Research Activities: 7. Publish TRAHI’s need Assessment report in two Global research platforms. This is to make the research available for use by the public. The required expertise is held by TRAHI staff, especially the Research, Monitoring, and Learning Manager. 8. 1-day virtual report launch to 30 LGBTQ+ community members and other stakeholders on the Collaborative Resource Library to raise awareness on the wealth of knowledge available. The required expertise is held by TRAHI staff, especially the Communications Manager. 9. Conduct 1-day hybrid symposium with 50 policymakers, civil society organizations, and stakeholders to highlight the importance of LGBTQ+ research and promote the digital resource library. The required expertise is held by TRAHI staff. 10. Continuously monitor the usage and impact of the resource library to assess the effectiveness of the initiative. The required expertise is held by TRAHI staff, especially the Research, Monitoring, and Learning Manager.
Openness: The proposed work is open in several key aspects: 1. Open Infrastructure: The project aims to establish a user-friendly and accessible digital platform as a collaborative resource library for LGBTQ+ research. This platform will be openly accessible to everyone, including LGBTQ+ community members, activists, researchers, policymakers, and the general public. It will serve as a central repository for research materials, ensuring transparency and open access to critical information. 2. Engaging a Broader Community: The project actively involves nascent LGBTQ+ community-based organizations (CBOs) and independent activists in Nigeria. By providing capacity-building workshops and training modules, the project empowers these stakeholders to conduct research and publish it online. The engagement of research institutes and stakeholders from civil society organizations also ensures a diverse and inclusive participation in the collaborative resource library. 3. Open Sharing of Project Output: The research materials collected and produced through the project will be openly shared on the digital platform. The platform will feature a range of LGBTQ+ research reports, studies, advocacy briefs, and position papers. By making this content freely accessible, the project promotes knowledge-sharing and evidence-based programming not only within the LGBTQ+ community but also among researchers, policymakers, and organizations working on LGBTQ+ issues in Nigeria.
Challenges: 1. Technical Barriers: Some organization reps may lack the technical expertise and resources to publish research online. Technical barriers might include limited access to computers, internet connectivity, or required digital tools. 2. Cultural and Social Stigma: Advocating for LGBTQ+ rights in Nigeria can encounter socio-cultural stigma. This might result in reluctance to openly share research findings, hindering the creation of an open research culture. 3. Resistance from Authorities: Authorities might resist the dissemination of LGBTQ+ research or challenge the research legitimacy. This resistance could lead to legal or reputational risks for those involved in the project. 4. Data Security and Privacy Concerns: The digital platform hosting the collaborative resource library must prioritize data security. Safeguarding sensitive information about LGBTQ+ individuals is crucial to protect us from harm. 5. Research Relevance and Localization: Adapting existing research from outside Nigeria to local contexts might present challenges. Ensuring that published research is relevant, accurate, and applicable to the Nigerian LGBTQ+ community's needs is essential. 6. Sustainability: Maintaining the open research platform beyond the project's duration poses sustainability challenges. Long-term funding, technical support, and continued stakeholder engagement are vital to the platform's lasting impact.
Neglectedness: To the best of our knowledge, there are limited sources of funding available specifically for LGBTQ+ research and open access initiatives in Nigeria. LGBTQ+ issues and research in the country have often been underrepresented in mainstream funding opportunities, making it challenging to secure financial support for this type of work. The lack of established infrastructure for LGBTQ+ research and open access projects in Nigeria complicates the funding landscape. Many funders are hesitant to support research initiatives in a context where openness and LGBTQ+ advocacy face challenges, including socio-cultural stigmatization. While we have applied for grants from various national and international organizations that support the sexual and reproductive health and rights, socio-economic empowerment, and capacity building of LGBTQ+ persons, to our knowledge, this funding is the first of its kind within our organization and the LGBTQ+ programming space. Despite these difficulties, we remain committed to advancing LGBTQ+ research and promoting openness in Nigeria. We actively explore new funding avenues, seek partnerships, and engage with potential donors who share our vision for supporting the LGBTQ+ community.
Success: Success for the proposed work would be measured through: 1. Increased Research Availability: Establishing a digital resource library with accessible LGBTQ+ research publications from nascent organizations and activists. 2. Community Engagement: Tracking website traffic, downloads, and interactions on the open resource platform to gauge community involvement. 3. Capacity Building: Assessing the number of empowered organizations proficient in conducting and publishing research. 4. Research Impact: Monitoring how the research informs evidence-based programming and advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights. 5. Long-term Sustainability: Ensuring collaborations with research institutes for continuous publication and dissemination. 6. Recognition and Support: Gauging support from the LGBTQ+ community, civil society, and stakeholders through positive feedback and endorsements.
Total Budget: $25,000
Budget File: pdf
LMIE Carveout: Yes, our project fits within the LMIE carveout category. The project's focus is on LGBTQ+ research in Nigeria, which is considered a Low- and Middle-Income Economy by the World Bank. Both the working location of our organization, TRAHI Nigeria, and the location of the project's community (LGBTQ+ individuals, activists, and nascent organizations) are within Nigeria, an LMIE. As such, our project aligns with the goals of the LMIE carveout, aiming to address disproportionate barriers faced by projects operating in LMIEs and serving communities in such economies.
Team Skills: Our team brings together a diverse set of skills, capacity, knowledge, and lived experiences, which are vital to the success of the proposed project. With expertise in LGBTQ+ advocacy, research, and community engagement, we are well-suited to bridge the existing research gap. Our team members have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Nigeria, having worked extensively with local activists and CBOs. Key members have strong research backgrounds, enabling us to design effective data collection tools and analyze research findings. Additionally, our partnerships with established research institutes and LGBTQ+ organizations position us to gather a wide range of research data for the collaborative resource library. Furthermore, we have extensive experience in capacity building and training, which will be crucial in empowering nascent organizations and independent activists to conduct research and publish online. Our team's commitment to promoting openness and accessibility will drive the success of the website and ensure the broad dissemination of research findings. Overall, our team's collective skills, knowledge, and partnerships will play a pivotal role in addressing the research and advocacy gap within the Nigerian LGBTQ+ community and fostering evidence-based programming for its sustainable advancement.
Submission Number: 66