Educational Research Trends of the Use of Gaze Learning Data through Topic Modeling and Scientometric Analysis

IJCAI 2024 Workshop AI4Research Submission3 Authors

Published: 03 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 05 Jun 2024AI4Research 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: topic modeling, scientometric analysis, education data
Abstract: Multimodal learning analytics have become increasingly important in enabling a deeper understanding of teaching and learning in educational research. However, in comparison to other multimodal learning data, there is a limited understanding of the trends within gaze learning data. To address this challenge, this study aims to identify latent topics in gaze learning data through topic modeling and scientometric analysis. We analyzed the abstracts of 573 peer-reviewed and conference proceeding papers that used gaze learning data, written in English, and published between 2008 and February 2024. The findings are as follows. First, three main topics were identified through topic modeling analysis: (learning analytics, multimodal learning, and inclusive learning). Second, the scientometric analysis revealed the structure in which diverse clusters in cited references and institutions are connected around the emerging topics. Based on these findings, the study would provide insights into research directions in both educational research and applications using gaze learning data.
Submission Number: 3