Keywords: RL, multi-turn RL for language agents, language agents
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to tackle sequential decision-making problems due to their generalist capabilities. Instead of optimizing ``myopic'' surrogate objectives such as human preferences within a single turn, in such problems, we wish to directly optimize long-term objectives, such as user satisfaction over an entire dialogue with an LLM or delayed success metrics in web navigation. Multi-turn reinforcement learning (RL) provides an appealing approach to directly optimize long-term objectives, but how can we design effective and efficient multi-turn RL algorithms for LLMs? In this work, we propose an algorithmic framework to multi-turn RL for LLMs
that preserves the flexibility of token-by-token RL used in single-turn RL problems, while still accommodating long horizons and delayed rewards more effectively. Our framework, the \textbf{A}cto\textbf{r}-\textbf{C}ritic Framework with a \textbf{H}i\textbf{e}rarchical Structu\textbf{r}e (\textbf{ArCHer}), combines a high-level off-policy RL algorithm that trains a value function with a low-level RL algorithm that trains a token-by-token policy. While ArCHer can be instantiated with multiple RL algorithms, a particularly convenient instantiation is to use temporal difference (TD) learning at the high level and on-policy token-level policy gradient at the low level.
Empirically, we show that ArCHer significantly improves efficiency and performance of multi-turn LLM tasks, attaining sample efficiency boosts of about \textbf{100x} over prior on-policy methods and converging to a much better performance than other off-policy methods.
Submission Number: 63