Battle of the Wordsmiths: Comparing ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude, and Bard

23 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, GPT-4, large language models, chatbots, conversational agents
TL;DR: A carefully-designed benchmark for evaluating new large scale language models
Abstract: Although informal evaluations of modern LLMs can be found on social media, blogs, and news outlets, a formal and comprehensive comparison among them has yet to be conducted. In response to this gap, we have undertaken an extensive benchmark evaluation of LLMs and conversational bots. Our evaluation involved the collection of 1002 questions encompassing 27 categories, which we refer to as the “Wordsmiths dataset.” These categories include reasoning, logic, facts, coding, bias, language, humor, and more. Each question in the dataset is accompanied by an accurate and verified answer. We meticulously assessed four leading chatbots: ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and Claude, using this dataset. The results of our evaluation revealed the following key findings: a) GPT-4 emerged as the top-performing chatbot across all categories, achieving a success rate of 84.1%. On the other hand, Bard faced challenges and achieved a success rate of 62.4%. b) Among the four models evaluated, one of them responded correctly approximately 93% of the time. However, all models were correct only about 44%. c) Bard is less correlated with other models while ChatGPT and GPT-4 are highly correlated in terms of their responses. d) Chatbots demonstrated proficiency in language understanding , facts, and self awareness. However, they encountered difficulties in areas such as math, coding, IQ, and reasoning. e) In terms of bias, discrimination, and ethics categories, models generally performed well, suggesting they are relatively safe to utilize. To make future model evaluations on our dataset easier, we also provide a multiple-choice version of it (called Wordsmiths-MCQ). The understanding and assessment of the capabilities and limitations of modern chatbots hold immense societal implications. In an effort to foster further research in this field, we have made our dataset available for public access, which can be found at [masked].
Supplementary Material: pdf
Primary Area: datasets and benchmarks
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Submission Number: 8398