Implementation of Bidirectional Thin Rigid Elements in Anura3D

14 Sept 2023 (modified: 14 Sept 2023)MPM 2023 Workshop SubmissionEveryoneRevisions
Keywords: Rigid body, contact algorithm, soil-structure interaction
TL;DR: Implementation of birectional rigid body contact algorithm in Anura3D
Abstract: Soil-structure interaction problems are prevalent in geotechnical engineering practice. Apart from the complex behavior of soil on the surfaces, other complexities arise from the heterogeneity of soils, rendering several distinct properties when they are in contact with structural elements. Numerical methods such as the Material Point Method are suitable to simulate this complex interaction, and several contact methods have been developed to improve the capacity to capture relative displacement fields. This study focuses on the interactions of soils with thin rigid bodies that do not conform with the background calculation mesh. Using a penalty contact stiffness, impulse forces in the rigid body and material point domains are determined from the particles to the grid during the Lagrangian phase, where a modified linear momentum balance equation is solved. After the convective phase, we update the position of the rigid bodies, considering linear and angular momentum, and repeat the cycle. Our preliminary results show that this contact algorithm efficiently accommodates contact mechanisms while preventing instabilities produced using nodal contact that relies on moving mesh techniques.
Submission Number: 19