Neural Operator Learning for Ultrasound Tomography InversionDownload PDF

Published: 28 Apr 2023, Last Modified: 05 Jan 2025MIDL 2023 Short paper track PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Neural Operator, Ultrasound Tomography, Inversion, Breast Imaging
Abstract: Neural operator learning as a means of mapping between complex function spaces has garnered significant attention in the field of computational science and engineering (CS&E). In this paper, we apply Neural operator learning to the time-of-flight ultrasound computed tomography (USCT) problem. We learn the mapping between time-of-flight (TOF) data and the heterogeneous sound speed field using a full-wave solver to generate the training data. This novel application of operator learning circumnavigates the need to solve the computationally intensive iterative inverse problem. The operator learns the non-linear mapping offline and predicts the heterogeneous sound field with a single forward pass through the model. This is the first time operator learning has been used for ultrasound tomography and is the first step in potential real-time predictions of soft tissue distribution for tumor identification in beast imaging.
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