Adding Recurrence to Pretrained TransformersDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Language modeling, Transformers, Recurrence, Gradient checkpointing, Pretraining
Abstract: Fine-tuning a pretrained transformer for a downstream task has become a standard method in NLP in the last few years. While the results from these models are impressive, applying them can be extremely computationally expensive, as is pretraining new models with the latest architectures. We present a novel method for applying pretrained transformer language models which lowers their memory requirement both at training and inference time. An additional benefit is that our method removes the fixed context size constraint that most transformer models have, allowing for more flexible use. When applied to the GPT-2 language model, we find that our method attains better perplexity than an unmodified GPT-2 model on the PG-19 and WikiText-103 corpora, for a given amount of computation or memory.
One-sentence Summary: Adding a small recurrence module to pretrained transformer language models allows maintaining performance while lowering memory cost
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