Steering Without Side Effects: Improving Post-Deployment Control of Language Models

Published: 12 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 23 Nov 2024SafeGenAi PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: large language models, adversarial robustness, jailbreaking, steering vectors
TL;DR: Controlling models with steering vectors can negatively affect model performance, and we present a technique to train models to be robust to the side effects of steering vectors, while still retaining the ability to control models.
Abstract: Language models (LMs) have been shown to behave unexpectedly post-deployment. For example, new jailbreaks continually arise, allowing model misuse, despite extensive red-teaming and adversarial training from developers. Given most model queries are unproblematic and frequent retraining results in unstable user experience, methods for mitigation of worst-case behavior should be targeted. One such method is classifying inputs as potentially problematic, then selectively applying steering vectors on these problematic inputs, i.e. adding particular vectors to model hidden states. However, steering vectors can also negatively affect model performance. We present KL-then-steer (KTS), a technique that decreases the side effects of steering while retaining its benefits, by first training a model to minimize Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence between a steered and unsteered model on benign inputs, then steering the model that has undergone this training. Our best method prevents 44% of jailbreak attacks compared to the original Llama-2-chat-7B model while maintaining helpfulness (as measured by MT-Bench) on benign requests almost on par with the original LM.
Submission Number: 37