ARKitScenes: A Diverse Real-World Dataset For 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D DataDownload PDF

Published: 29 Jul 2021, Last Modified: 24 May 2023NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track (Round 1)Readers: Everyone
Keywords: RGB-D Dataset, Indoor Scene Understanding, 3D Machine Learning, 3D Object Detection, Depth Upsampling, LiDAR
TL;DR: We presented ARKitScenes, it is not only the first RGB-D dataset that is captured with a now widely available depth sensor, but to our best knowledge, it also is the largest indoor scene understanding data released.
Abstract: Scene understanding is an active research area. Commercial depth sensors, such as Kinect, have enabled the release of several RGB-D datasets over the past few years which spawned novel methods in 3D scene understanding. More recently with the launch of the LiDAR sensor in Apple’s iPads and iPhones, high qual- ity RGB-D data is accessible to millions of people on a device they commonly use. This opens a whole new era in scene understanding for the Computer Vision community as well as app developers. The fundamental research in scene understanding together with the advances in machine learning can now impact people’s everyday experiences. However, transforming these scene un- derstanding methods to real-world experiences requires additional innovation and development. In this paper we introduce ARKitScenes. It is not only the first RGB-D dataset that is captured with a now widely available depth sensor, but to our best knowledge, it also is the largest indoor scene understanding data released. In addition to the raw and processed data from the mobile device, ARKitScenes includes high resolution depth maps captured using a stationary laser scanner, as well as manually labeled 3D oriented bounding boxes for a large taxonomy of furniture. We further analyze the usefulness of the data for two downstream tasks: 3D object detection and color-guided depth upsam- pling. We demonstrate that our dataset can help push the boundaries of existing state-of-the-art methods and it introduces new challenges that better represent real-world scenarios.
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