Mr. HiSum: A Large-scale Dataset for Video Highlight Detection and Summarization

NeurIPS 2023 Track Datasets and Benchmarks Submission315 Authors

Published: 26 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 03 Feb 2024NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: video highlight detection, youtube 8M, large-scale dataset, video summarization
TL;DR: We provide a large scale video highlight detection / summarization dataset using YouTube's Most replayed statistics.
Abstract: Video highlight detection is a task to automatically select the most engaging moments from a long video. This problem is highly challenging since it aims to learn a general way of finding highlights from a variety of videos in the real world.The task has an innate subjectivity because the definition of a highlight differs across individuals. Therefore, to detect consistent and meaningful highlights, prior benchmark datasets have been labeled by multiple (5-20) raters. Due to the high cost of manual labeling, most existing public benchmarks are in extremely small scale, containing only a few tens or hundreds of videos. This insufficient benchmark scale causes multiple issues such as unstable evaluation or high sensitivity in traintest splits. We present Mr. HiSum, a large-scale dataset for video highlight detection and summarization, containing 31,892 videos and reliable labels aggregated over 50,000+ users per video. We empirically prove reliability of the labels as frame importance by cross-dataset transfer and user study.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 315