A Task Restricted Hierarchical Control Scheme Facilitating Small Logistics

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 02 May 2024MoMa WS 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Motion Tasks Representation, Knowledge Base, Multi Robot Task and Motion Planning, Smart Robotics and Automation, Hierarchical Control
TL;DR: A hierarchical scheme to disengage the low level robot motion with the task reasoning and task planning
Abstract: In the context of logistics for small scale enterprises, we have proposed a framework for a robotic indoor transport system, specially design for coping with semi-structured, flexible environments, typically encountered in small residences, warehouses, or medium-sized industrial facilities where there is minimal potential for infrastructural and/or procedural augments to the process, to facilitate the robotic automation. Such environments pose a significant problem to automated solutions, since the environment is flexible and partially unknown, cluttered and human-center. For such problems, hierarchical abstractions is an almost natural way to decompose the problem, but this line of attack is not without problems. Specifically, for complicated tasks, it is not in general possible to guarantee that the low level controller will be able to facilitate the task. Our proposed approach to this problem uses a hierarchical scheme to disengage the low level robot motion with the task reasoning and task planning and to facilitate the execution of the low level, we restrict the task level with a prescribed lexicon and grammar of tasks, that can be executed reasonably well. The grammar is used for each specific plant, to produce a family of tasks that are both easily executable and provide a large coverage in the overall task space.
Submission Number: 14