ACES: generating diverse programming puzzles with autotelic language models and semantic descriptors

Published: 28 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 07 Dec 2023ALOE 2023 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: program synthesis, large language models, diversity search, puzzle generation, quality-diversity
TL;DR: In this work we leverage LLMs for defining a semantic descriptor space within which to describe interesting diversity of a set of programming problems and use it to define new goal-targeting diversity generation algorithms
Abstract: Finding and selecting new and interesting problems to solve is at the heart of curiosity, science and innovation. We here study automated problem generation in the context of the open-ended space of python programming puzzles. Existing generative models often aim at modeling a reference distribution without any explicit diversity optimization. Other methods explicitly optimizing for diversity do so either in limited hand-coded representation spaces or in uninterpretable learned embedding spaces that may not align with human perceptions of interesting variations. With ACES (Autotelic Code Exploration via Semantic descriptors), we introduce a new autotelic generation method that leverages semantic descriptors produced by a large language model (LLM) to directly optimize for interesting diversity, as well as few-shot-based generation. Each puzzle is labeled along 10 dimensions, each capturing a programming skill required to solve it. ACES generates and pursues novel and feasible goals to explore that abstract semantic space, slowly discovering a diversity of solvable programming puzzles in any given run. Across a set of experiments, we show that ACES discovers a richer diversity of puzzles than existing diversity-maximizing algorithms as measured across a range of diversity metrics. We further study whether and in which conditions this diversity can translate into the successful training of puzzle solving models.
Submission Number: 37