Push-Poke: Collision based Direct Manipulation Technique for Plane Alignment in Virtual RealityDownload PDF

Published: 30 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 05 May 2023GI 2022Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Human computer interaction, Interaction Paradigms, Virtual Reality, Human Centered Computing, Gesture Input, Hand interaction, Empirical study
TL;DR: Determining the perceptual structure of hand-based plane alignment in virtual reality
Abstract: Medical operation planning requires high precision due to the health risks involved. In virtual reality-based osteotomy operation planning, medical professionals would like to use their hands instead of the controllers for osteotomy plane manipulation. However, using hands as an input method in virtual reality is challenging due to noisy hand tracking. We explored the perceptual structure of precise plane manipulation by conducting a controlled experiment to compare: (1) separable Push-Poke which dynamically selects plane manipulation parameters, (2) separable custom axis with Control-Display gain widget which provides user to select object manipulation parameters, (3) integral pinch-based direct manipulation. The perceptual structure of hand-based plane manipulation techniques is composed of (1) integral and fast direct manipulation and (2) separable slow technique that dynamically selects manipulation parameters.
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