Chen ranks and resonanceDownload PDF

20 Sept 2024 (modified: 17 Dec 2013)ICML 2013 PeerReviewReaders: Everyone
Decision: reject
Abstract: The Chen groups of a group $G$ are the lower central series quotients of the maximal metabelian quotient of $G$. Under certain conditions, we relate the ranks of the Chen groups to the first resonance variety of $G$, a jump locus for the cohomology of $G$. In the case where $G$ is the fundamental group of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement, our results positively resolve Suciu's Chen ranks conjecture. We obtain explicit formulas for the Chen ranks of a number of groups of broad interest, including pure Artin groups associated to Coxeter groups, and the group of basis-conjugating automorphisms of a finitely generated free group.
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