Keywords: Compressed sensing, generative models, nonlinearity, uniform recovery
Abstract: In generative compressed sensing (GCS), we want to recover a signal $\mathbf{x^*}\in\mathbb{R}^n$ from $m$ measurements ($m\ll n$) using a generative prior $\mathbf{x^*}\in G(\mathbb{B}_2^k(r))$, where $G$ is typically an $L$-Lipschitz continuous generative model and $\mathbb{B}_2^k(r)$ represents the radius-$r$ $\ell_2$-ball in $\mathbb{R}^k$. Under nonlinear measurements, most prior results are non-uniform, i.e., they hold with high probability for a fixed $\mathbf{x^*}$ rather than for all $\mathbf{x^*}$ simultaneously. In this paper, we build a unified framework to derive uniform recovery guarantees for nonlinear GCS where the observation model is nonlinear and possibly discontinuous or unknown. Our framework accommodates GCS with 1-bit/uniformly quantized observations and single index model as canonical examples. Specifically, using a single realization of the sensing ensemble and generalized Lasso, all $\mathbf{x^*}\in G(\mathbb{B}_2^k(r))$ can be recovered up to an $\ell_2$-error at most $\epsilon$ using roughly $\tilde{O}({k}/{\epsilon^2})$ samples, with omitted logarithmic factors typically being dominated by $\log L$. Notably, this almost coincides with existing non-uniform guarantees up to logarithmic factors, hence the uniformity costs very little. As part of our technical contributions, we introduce Lipschitz approximation to handle discontinuous observation models. We also develop a concentration inequality that produces tighter bound for product process whose index sets have low metric entropy. Experimental results are presented to corroborate our theory.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 4609