Narrowing the Gap between Vision and Action in Navigation

Published: 20 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 21 Jul 2024MM2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: The existing methods for Vision and Language Navigation in the Continuous Environment (VLN-CE) commonly incorporate a waypoint predictor to discretize the environment. This simplifies the navigation actions into a view selection task and improves navigation performance significantly compared to direct training using low-level actions. However, the VLN-CE agents are still far from the real robots since there are gaps between their visual perception and executed actions. First, VLN-CE agents that discretize the visual environment are primarily trained with high-level view selection, which causes them to ignore crucial spatial reasoning within the low-level action movements. Second, in these models, the existing waypoint predictors neglect object semantics and their attributes related to passibility, which can be informative in indicating the feasibility of actions. To address these two issues, we introduce a low-level action decoder jointly trained with high-level action prediction, enabling the current VLN agent to learn and ground the selected visual view to the low-level controls. Moreover, we enhance the current waypoint predictor by utilizing visual representations containing rich semantic information and explicitly masking obstacles based on humans' prior knowledge about the feasibility of actions. Empirically, our agent can improve navigation performance metrics compared to the strong baselines on both high-level and low-level actions.
Primary Subject Area: [Content] Vision and Language
Relevance To Conference: We are working on the Vision and Language Navigation(VLN) task, which is valuable for evaluating the effectiveness of multimodal reasoning and Embodied AI. Our main contribution is to improve the current VLN-CE navigation agent from the perspectives of waypoint predictor and action space.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 2775