Integrative conformal p-values for powerful out-of-distribution testing with labeled outliers

Published: 01 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 11 May 2024CoRR 2022EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-SA 4.0
Abstract: This paper develops novel conformal methods to test whether a new observation was sampled from the same distribution as a reference set. Blending inductive and transductive conformal inference in an innovative way, the described methods can re-weight standard conformal p-values based on dependent side information from known out-of-distribution data in a principled way, and can automatically take advantage of the most powerful model from any collection of one-class and binary classifiers. The solution can be implemented either through sample splitting or via a novel transductive cross-validation+ scheme which may also be useful in other applications of conformal inference, due to tighter guarantees compared to existing cross-validation approaches. After studying false discovery rate control and power within a multiple testing framework with several possible outliers, the proposed solution is shown to outperform standard conformal p-values through simulations as well as applications to image recognition and tabular data.