Empowering Sustainable Development in Nigeria through Open Data Infrastructure

27 Jun 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Critical shared infrastructure / Infraestructura compartida critica
Problem Statement: The proposed work addresses the lack of accessible and reliable open data infrastructure in Nigeria, hindering evidence-based decision-making and sustainable development. This project aims to develop a robust open data platform, improve data availability and quality, and enhance stakeholder engagement to meet the data needs of government agencies, research institutions, and civil society organizations. By addressing these challenges, the project seeks to empower stakeholders with the tools and resources to utilize open data for informed policy-making, research, and development initiatives, ultimately contributing to sustainable socioeconomic growth in Nigeria.
Proposed Activities: The proposed activities for strengthening open data infrastructure in Nigeria are as follows: Infrastructure Development: Assess the existing open data infrastructure landscape in Nigeria. Design and develop a centralized open data platform that adheres to international standards and best practices. Implement robust data storage, management, and dissemination mechanisms to ensure accessibility and reliability. Enhance data security measures to protect sensitive information while promoting openness. Data Collection and Quality Improvement: Identify key data sources relevant to sustainable development in Nigeria. Collaborate with government agencies, research institutions, and other stakeholders to collect and curate high-quality open datasets. Implement data validation and quality control measures to ensure accuracy and reliability. Establish mechanisms for regular data updates and maintenance. Capacity Building and Training: Conduct workshops and training programs to enhance data literacy and data management skills among stakeholders. Provide guidance on data collection methodologies, data cleaning, and data analysis techniques. Foster a culture of openness and data sharing through awareness campaigns and capacity-building initiatives. Stakeholder Engagement: Establish partnerships with government agencies, research institutions, and civil society organizations to promote collaboration and data sharing. Organize forums, conferences, and community events to facilitate knowledge exchange and networking among stakeholders. Engage marginalized communities and ensure their inclusion in the open data ecosystem through targeted outreach and capacity-building programs. Policy and Governance Framework: Advocate for the development of open data policies and frameworks at the national and institutional levels. Collaborate with policymakers to integrate open data principles into existing legislation and regulations. Establish a governance structure for the open data infrastructure, involving key stakeholders in decision-making and ensuring transparency and accountability. Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop performance metrics and indicators to assess the impact and effectiveness of the open data infrastructure. Regularly monitor data usage, user feedback, and data-driven initiatives enabled by the infrastructure. Conduct periodic evaluations to identify areas for improvement and inform future strategies. These activities will be implemented over a two-year timeline, starting from November 2023 to December 2025, with a dedicated team of data scientists, technical experts, project managers, and community engagement specialists working collaboratively to achieve the objectives of the project.
Openness: The proposed work embraces openness in multiple ways. Firstly, the open data infrastructure developed will adhere to open standards, ensuring interoperability and compatibility with existing systems. Secondly, the project will actively engage a broader community through workshops, discussions, and collaborative decision-making processes to shape the governance and direction of the infrastructure. Additionally, the project will promote open access to project outputs, including documentation, guidelines, and tools, fostering knowledge sharing and enabling others to replicate and build upon the project's outcomes. By prioritizing openness, the project aims to create an inclusive and transparent environment that empowers stakeholders to contribute, collaborate, and benefit from the open data infrastructure for sustainable development in Nigeria.
Challenges: The proposed work faces challenges including technical complexity, ensuring data quality and availability, stakeholder engagement, sustainability, policy and legal frameworks, and capacity building. Addressing these challenges is crucial for successful implementation of the open data infrastructure in Nigeria.
Neglectedness: To the best of my knowledge, there may be other potential sources of funding available for open data infrastructure projects in Nigeria. Some potential funding sources include: 1. Government Grants: Government agencies in Nigeria may have funding programs dedicated to promoting open data initiatives, sustainable development, or technological advancements. Exploring grants from ministries or departments responsible for information and communication technology, research, or development could be a potential avenue for funding. 2.International Development Agencies: International organizations and development agencies, such as the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), or the African Development Bank (AfDB), often support projects related to open data, sustainable development, and infrastructure. These organizations may have specific funding programs targeting initiatives in Nigeria. 3. Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profit organizations and foundations focused on technology, data, or sustainable development may provide grants or funding opportunities for projects aligned with their mission. Researching and identifying relevant non-profit organizations and their funding programs could be beneficial. 4.
Success: Success for the proposed work would be measured by increased accessibility and utilization of open data, evidence-based decision-making, improved stakeholder engagement, enhanced collaboration, sustainable funding and maintenance of the infrastructure, policy integration, and capacity building. These outcomes will contribute to informed policy-making, research, and sustainable development in Nigeria.
Total Budget: $20000
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: NA
LMIE Carveout: The proposed project aligns with the focus on Low and Middle Income Economies (LMIEs) as it aims to strengthen open data infrastructure in Nigeria, which is classified as an LMIE. By prioritizing the needs of LMIEs, the project will address the specific challenges and resource constraints faced by these economies. Furthermore, the project intends to widely adopt open infrastructure services that cater to the Nigerian community, fostering inclusivity and equitable access to open data for sustainable development in the country.
Team Skills: Our team possesses diverse skills and expertise vital to the success of the proposed project. With a focus on data science and machine learning, we bring advanced technical knowledge in developing and implementing open data infrastructure. Additionally, our team has experience in project management, stakeholder engagement, and capacity-building initiatives. Our strong partnerships with local institutions and organizations further enhance our ability to deliver impactful outcomes in strengthening open data infrastructure for sustainable development in Nigeria.
TLDR: Open Data for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Strengthening Infrastructure and Collaboration.
Submission Number: 8