Generalizing Denoising to Non-Equilibrium Structures Improves Equivariant Force Fields

Published: 27 Dec 2024, Last Modified: 27 Dec 2024Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Understanding the interactions of atoms such as forces in 3D atomistic systems is fundamental to many applications like molecular dynamics and catalyst design. However, simulating these interactions requires compute-intensive ab initio calculations and thus results in limited data for training neural networks. In this paper, we propose to use denoising non-equilibrium structures (DeNS) as an auxiliary task to better leverage training data and improve performance. For training with DeNS, we first corrupt a 3D structure by adding noise to its 3D coordinates and then predict the noise. Different from previous works on denoising, which are limited to equilibrium structures, the proposed method generalizes denoising to a much larger set of non-equilibrium structures. The main difference is that a non-equilibrium structure does not correspond to local energy minima and has non-zero forces, and therefore it can have many possible atomic positions compared to an equilibrium structure. This makes denoising non-equilibrium structures an ill-posed problem since the target of denoising is not uniquely defined. Our key insight is to additionally encode the forces of the original non-equilibrium structure to specify which non-equilibrium structure we are denoising. Concretely, given a corrupted non-equilibrium structure and the forces of the original one, we predict the non-equilibrium structure satisfying the input forces instead of any arbitrary structures. Since DeNS requires encoding forces, DeNS favors equivariant networks, which can easily incorporate forces and other higher-order tensors in node embeddings. We study the effectiveness of training equivariant networks with DeNS on OC20, OC22 and MD17 datasets and demonstrate that DeNS can achieve new state-of-the-art results on OC20 and OC22 and significantly improve training efficiency on MD17.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url:
Changes Since Last Submission: The previous submission was desk rejected because the action editor believes that having tables overflowing margins violates the format of TMLR. We apologize for this and update the tables accordingly.
Supplementary Material: zip
Assigned Action Editor: ~Markus_Heinonen1
Submission Number: 3187