Score matching for bridges without learning time-reversals

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 11 Mar 2025AISTATS 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: We propose a new algorithm for learning a bridged diffusion process using score-matching methods. Our method relies on reversing the dynamics of the forward process and using this to learn a score function, which, via Doob's $h$-transform, gives us a bridged diffusion process; that is, a process conditioned on an endpoint. In contrast to prior methods, ours learns the score term $\nabla_x \log p(t, x; T, y)$, for given $t, y$ directly, completely avoiding the need for first learning a time-reversal. We compare the performance of our algorithm with existing methods and see that it outperforms using the (learned) time-reversals to learn the score term. The code can be found at
Submission Number: 273