A Survey of Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

TMLR Paper2806 Authors

05 Jun 2024 (modified: 14 Jun 2024)Under review for TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-SA 4.0
Abstract: The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) states that a dense neural network model contains a highly sparse subnetwork (i.e., winning tickets) that can achieve even better performance than the original model when trained in isolation. While LTH has been proved both empirically and theoretically in many works, there still are some open issues, such as efficiency and scalability, to be addressed. Also, the lack of open-source frameworks and consensual experimental setting poses a challenge to future research on LTH. For the first time, we examine previous research and studies on LTH from different perspectives. We also discuss issues in existing works and list potential directions for further exploration. This survey provides an in-depth look at the state of LTH.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: N/A
Assigned Action Editor: ~Varun_Kanade1
Submission Number: 2806