End-to-end Multiple Instance Learning for Whole-Slide Cytopathology of Urothelial CarcinomaDownload PDF

Published: 25 Aug 2021, Last Modified: 05 May 2023COMPAY 2021Readers: Everyone
Keywords: multiple instance learning, urine sediment, cytopathology
TL;DR: Using a multiple instance learning approach that combines attention and hard negative mining to identifiy (cancerous) cells and facilitate reliable assessment of the urothelial cancer status at the level of large whole-slide samples of urine sediment
Abstract: As a non-invasive approach, cytopathology of urine sediment is a highly promising approach to diagnosing urothelial carcinoma. However, computational assessment of the cytopathological status of a sample raises the challenge of identifying few cancerous cells among thousands of cells in a microscopic whole-slide image. To address this challenge, we propose an end-to-end trainable multiple instance learning approach that combines the attention mechanism and hard negative mining to classify hematoxylin and eosin stained patient-level whole-slide images of urine sediment cells. The singular cells are extracted by a simple foreground detection algorithm. With feature embeddings computed for each image patch in a bag by a convolutional neural network, the attention mechanism serves as the pooling operator, enabling a bag-level prediction while still giving an interpretable score for each image patch. This enables the identification of key instances and potential regions of interest that trigger a patient-level decision. Our results show that the proposed system can differentiate between normal and cancerous urothelial cells, thus enabling the non-invasive diagnosis of urothelial carcinoma in patients using urine sediment analysis.
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