How does Uncertainty-aware Sample-selection Help Decision against Action Noise?Download PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Imitation Learning, State-Dependent Action Noise, Uncertainty-Aware, Negative Learning
TL;DR: To learn a robust imitation learning policy against action noise, this work proposes a novel paradigm called USN, which bridges Uncertainty-aware Sample-selection with Negative learning.
Abstract: Learning from imperfect demonstrations has become a vital problem in imitation learning (IL). Since the assumption of the collected demonstrations are optimal cannot always hold in real-world tasks, many previous works considers learning from a mixture of optimal and sub-optimal demonstrations. On the other hand, video records can be hands-down demonstrations in practice. Leveraging such demonstrations requires labors to output action for each frame. However, action noise always occurs when the labors are not domain experts, or meet confusing state frames. Previous IL methods can be vulnerable to such demonstrations with state-dependent action noise. To tackle this problem, we propose a robust learning paradigm called USN, which bridges Uncertainty-aware Sample-selection with Negative learning. First, IL model feeds forward all demonstration data and estimates its predictive uncertainty. Then, we select large-loss samples in the light of the uncertainty measures. Next, we update the model parameters with additional negative learning on the selected samples. Empirical results on Box2D tasks and Atari games demonstrate that USN improves the performance of state-of-the-art IL methods by more than 10% under a large portion of action noise.
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