Keywords: Sample compression, Vapnik Chervonenkis dimension, Ample classes, Extremal classes, Intersection-closed classes
TL;DR: We show intersection-closed and certain extremal concept classes have unlabelled compression schemes of size O(d), where d is the VC dimension, partially answering a question of Littlestone and Warmuth.
Abstract: The sample compressibility of concept classes plays an important role in learning theory, as a sufficient condition for PAC learnability, and more recently as an avenue for robust generalisation in adaptive data analysis. Whether compression schemes of size $O(d)$ must necessarily exist for all classes of VC dimension $d$ is unknown, but conjectured to be true by Warmuth. Recently Chalopin, Chepoi, Moran, and Warmuth (2018) gave a beautiful unlabelled sample compression scheme of size VC dimension for all maximum classes: classes that meet the Sauer-Shelah-Perles Lemma with equality. They also offered a counterexample to compression schemes based on a promising approach known as corner peeling. In this paper we simplify and extend their proof technique to deal with so-called extremal classes of VC dimension $d$ which contain maximum classes of VC dimension $d-1$. A criterion is given which would imply that all extremal classes admit unlabelled compression schemes of size $d$. We also prove that all intersection-closed classes with VC dimension $d$ admit unlabelled compression schemes of size at most $11d$.
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