Graph Pooling via Ricci Flow

Published: 31 Dec 2024, Last Modified: 31 Dec 2024Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Graph Machine Learning often involves the clustering of nodes based on similarity structure encoded in the graph’s topology and the nodes’ attributes. On homophilous graphs, the integration of pooling layers has been shown to enhance the performance of Graph Neural Networks by accounting for inherent multi-scale structure. Here, similar nodes are grouped together to coarsen the graph and reduce the input size in subsequent layers in deeper architectures. In both settings, the underlying clustering approach can be implemented via graph pooling operators, which often rely on classical tools from Graph Theory. In this work, we introduce a graph pooling operator (ORC-Pool), which utilizes a characterization of the graph’s geometry via Ollivier’s discrete Ricci curvature and an associated geometric flow. Previous Ricci flow based clustering approaches have shown great promise across several domains, but are by construction unable to account for similarity structure encoded in the node attributes. However, in many ML applications, such information is vital for downstream tasks. ORC-Pool extends such clustering approaches to attributed graphs, allowing for the integration of geometric coarsening into Graph Neural Networks as a pooling layer.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: Deanonymized camera ready version.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Mark_Coates1
Submission Number: 3474