Keywords: Knowledge Graph Creation, Data Integration System, RDF Mapping Languages
TL;DR: Results of SDM-RDFizer for Track 1 of the Knowledge Graph Creation Challenge 2024
Abstract: The volume of data generated in recent years has increased drastically, necessitating a unified schema to integrate multiple data sources into a single format. The RDF Mapping Language (RML) was developed to define the structure of knowledge graphs (KGs). Over time, various extensions have been introduced to enhance RML's functionality, creating a need for a new specification that consolidates these extensions. Track 1 of the KGCW 2023 Challenge dataset addresses this need by providing a comprehensive set of test cases to ensure that knowledge graph creation engines comply with the updated RML specification. This paper reports on the performance evaluation of SDM-RDFizer using this dataset, highlighting its capabilities and areas for improvement in achieving full RML compliance.
Submission Number: 14