Abstract: We propose Diffusion Inference-Time T-Optimization (DITTO), a general-purpose framework for controlling pre-trained text-to-music diffusion models at inference-time via optimizing initial noise latents. Our method can be used to optimize through any differentiable feature matching loss to achieve a target (stylized) output and leverages gradient checkpointing for memory efficiency. We demonstrate a surprisingly wide-range of applications for music generation including inpainting, outpainting, and looping as well as intensity, melody, and musical structure control – all without ever fine-tuning the underlying model. When we compare our approach against related training, guidance, and optimization-based methods, we find DITTO achieves state-of-the-art performance on nearly all tasks, including outperforming comparable approaches on controllability, audio quality, and computational efficiency, thus opening the door for high-quality, flexible, training-free control of diffusion models. Sound examples can be found at https://ditto-music.github.io/web/.
Submission Number: 5107