Group Preference Optimization: Few-Shot Alignment of Large Language Models

Published: 04 Mar 2024, Last Modified: 14 Apr 2024SeT LLM @ ICLR 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Large Language Models, alignment, group preference alignment, few-shot learning, in-context learning, fine-tuning
TL;DR: Group Preference Optimization, a framework that efficiently aligns LLMs to group preferences using a few-shot approach, where we augment the base LLM with an independent transformer module to predict the preferences of a group.
Abstract: Applications of large language models (LLMs) often demand nuanced judgments that vary among different groups. Existing alignment algorithms can be costly, requiring extensive group-specific data and computation. We present Group Preference Optimization (GPO), a framework that efficiently aligns LLMs to group preferences using a few-shot approach. In GPO, we augment the base LLM with an independent transformer module to predict the preferences of a group for the LLM generations. For few-shot learning, this module acts as an in-context autoregressive transformer and is trained via meta-learning on several groups. Through empirical validation on opinion adaptation tasks involving US demographic groups, global countries, and individuals, GPO demonstrates superior alignment performance, requiring fewer group-specific preferences and reduced training and computational resources, surpassing existing strategies like in-context steering and fine-tuning.
Submission Number: 103