Keywords: interpretability, nlp, neural networks, deep learning, explainability, representation learning
TL;DR: Language models of various sizes solve tasks internally using simple vector arithmetic, in the style of word2vec
Abstract: A primary criticism towards language models (LMs) is their inscrutability. This paper presents evidence that, despite their size and complexity, LMs sometimes exploit a computational mechanism familiar from traditional word embeddings: the use of simple vector arithmetic in order to encode abstract relations (e.g., Poland:Warsaw::China:Beijing). We investigate a range of language model sizes (from 124M parameters to 176B parameters) in an in-context learning setting, and find that for a variety of tasks (involving capital cities, upper-casing, and past-tensing), a key part of the mechanism reduces to a simple linear update applied by the feedforward networks. We further show that this mechanism is specific to tasks that require retrieval from pretraining memory, rather than retrieval from local context. Our results contribute to a growing body of work on the mechanistic interpretability of LLMs, and offer reason to be optimistic that, despite the massive and non-linear nature of the models, the strategies they ultimately use to solve tasks can sometimes reduce to familiar and even intuitive algorithms.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 14744