Keywords: identifiability, normalising, flow, seperability, entanglement, disentenglement, principle, latent, representation
Abstract: Scope of Reproducibility
In this study, we evaluate the paper ’Identifying Through Flows for Recovering
Latent Representations’. Specifically, we evaluate the papers’ claimed practical advantages and effectiveness of their proposed method iFlow over previous methods,
namely iVAE.
First, we reproduce the obtained MCC scores for both iFlow and iVAE using
the original code-base. To place these results into context, we also evaluate two
baseline Flow models. Furthermore, we discuss the proposed method’s usability,
and apply it on a different Flow model, which is trained on the Half Moon dataset
to analyse the learned latent representation. With this, we assess the benefit of
using the proposed method over regular Flow. It takes around 20 minutes for an
iFlow model, and 75 seconds for an iVAE model to train and evaluate conform
to the original implementation and dataset on an RTX 2080 Ti GPU with 11GB
of VRAM. Additionally, the iFlow network with planar-flow Flow model takes
around 7 minutes to train on the same hardware. Finally, the two Flow models on
the half moon datasets are trained on an AMD 3900X CPU with 32GB of DDR4
RAM, each taking roughly 3 minutes.
Our results are within 2.5% of the values presented by the paper, verifying the
authors’ claim of iFlow’s theoretical advancements over iVAE. However, when
compared to the baseline Flow models, iFlow only shows up to 10% improvement
in MCC scores, compared to a 45% improvement over iVAE. Furthermore, when
analysing the learned latent representation for the Half Moon dataset iFlow does
learn a more robust latent representation compared to Flow, and unlike Flow, is
sometimes able to reach principled disentanglement, partly verifying the paper’s
claim of iFlow’s practical advantages and effectiveness.
What was easy
The original code implementation was not difficult to setup and run specifically
for the iFlow model. The code provided the proper run script for training and
evaluating iFlow. Furthermore, implementing the proposed identifiability method
to different flow models is not difficult - the authors provide a clear derivation
of the objective function. Finally, in the code, a different use of the activation
for the natural parameters is suggested, which we found to be straightforward to
What was difficult
The code-base lacked documentation, thus besides running the default iFlow setup,
running different models such as iVAE was quite challenging. In general, understanding the code itself, particularly the code used to generate the dataset, was not
straightforward. No code was offered to save the results and construct the figures
from the paper. Finally, despite the supposed support for using planar-flow instead
of the default cubic spline-flow in the code base, training iFlow with planar-flow
was not trivial. This was due to both an incorrect initialization of the planar-flow
model, where it called the wrong class, and an incorrect return statement.
Communication with original authors
There has been no communication with the authors.
Paper Url:
Supplementary Material: zip
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